Österreich: Kundgebung vor dem Honorargeneralkonsulat von Singapur in Wien (Fotos)
(Minghui.de) Am 23. August 2006 fand anlässlich der am 14. Juli wegen „illegaler Versammlung” angeklagten neun Falun Gong Praktizierenden in Singapur eine Kundgebung vor dem Honorargeneralkonsulat von Singapur in Wien statt. Der österreichische Falun Dafa Verein übergab im Namen der österreichischen Falun Gong Praktizierenden einen Offenen Brief, den die Sekretärin des Honorargeneralkonsuls entgegennahm. Dieser Brief appelliert an die Regierung von Singapur die unbegründete Anklage gegen die Falun Gong-Praktizierenden fallen zu lassen.
Die Sekretärin ließ uns vom Konsul ausrichten, dass er den Brief an die Regierung Singapurs weiterleiten werde.
Des Weiteren informiert der Brief über den schrecklichen Organraub an lebenden Falun Gong Praktizierenden in China. Als Beilage übergaben wir den Untersuchungsbericht zu den Anschuldigungen der Organentnahme an Falun Gong Praktizierenden von David Matas, Anwalt für Einwanderungs- und Flüchtlingsrecht und für Internationale Menschenrechte und David Kilgour, ehemaliger Parlamentsabgeordneter und ehemaliger kanadischer Staatssekretär für den Asien- und Pazifikraum, Stellungnahmen vom Europäischen Parlamentsmitglied Edward McMillan-Scott über den Organraub in China und zusätzliche Informationen über Falun Gong und die Verfolgung.
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Viele Informationsblätter, die wir eigens für diese Veranstaltung gemacht hatten, konnten an Autofahrer verteilt werden. Eine große Kreuzung befindet sich direkt beim Platz, so konnten alle Autofahrer, die bei Rot vor der Ampel standen, die Veranstaltung sehen und bekamen auch Flyer.
Anhang:- Brief an den Honorarkonsul
Open Letter to:
Mr. Dr. Walter Rothensteiner
Honorargeneralkonsulat von Singapur
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Wien
Salzburg, 22. August 2006
Subject: Regarding the wrongful judgment of Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore for exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in China
Your Excellency, Dr. Rothensteiner!
We, Austrian Falun Gong Practitioners would like to inform you of an urgent case concerning Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore and we respectfully request your help.
On July 10th, nine Falun Gong practitioners received a summons to appear in court on the charge of "public assembly without a permit." However, the summons was issued nine months after the alleged "assembly," which only amounted to distributing some flyers on the street. On July 12th, Ms. Huang Caihua, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested outside the Chinese embassy on the charge of "deliberately causing a disturbance." On July 20, Ms. Ng Chye Huay and Mr. Erh Boon Tiong held a protest across from the Chinese embassy. On July 21st, the police charged them with "Harassment by displaying insulting writings," and said that the "banners' words humiliated officials in the embassy." The banners' words, in fact, only stated that they were holding a hunger strike to protest the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Li Lanqing, the former head of China's "610 Office," was invited by Minister Lee Kuan Yew to visit the National University in Singapore at the beginning of July, where he received an honorary doctoral degree. The "610 Office," so called because it was formed on June 10 of 1999, was specifically created to eradicate Falun Gong and has absolute power over every level of administration in the CCP and all other political and judiciary systems. As its head, Li Lanqing is responsible for the brutal torture and murder of countless Falun Gong practitioners. He faces lawsuits in the United States, France, Belgium, Taiwan, German, Canada, New Zealand, Chile, Holland, Japan, and Switzerland for crimes against humanity and torture.
It is no secret that China is using their economic power to mute opposition to its human rights violations. Therefore it is no surprise that the spate of Falun Gong arrests began immediately after Li Lanqing's visit.
In this unfair treatment of Falun Gong practitioners, it is the people of Singapore, the dignity of Singapore's justice system, and the international reputation of Singapore as a civilized country that is facing humiliation. We hope Singapore officials do not abuse the law, that they do not confuse right and wrong, and that they do not punish the good while encouraging the bad. Otherwise, they will punish people who stand up for basic human rights that belong to us all. We hope that the Singapore officials will stop China from exporting the persecution towards Falun Gong practitioners in foreign countries.
The Chinese Communist Party's history of violence continues up to today and their persecution of Falun Gong is violating the Chinese constitution as well as international law. Their brutality was made even more evident when in March 2006, we received the shocking news about mass organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China. Three witnesses testified that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, kept imprisoned in dozens of labour camps are being killed for their organs for profit. On July 6, 2006 a renowned Canadian human rights attorney David Matas and the former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) for Canada David Kilgour published their independent investigative report "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China." (http://investigation.go.saveinter.net/).
We appeal for your help, to call upon the government of Singapore to reverse this decision and handle this case justly in accordance with the law.
Thank you for your consideration. We are looking forward to your response.
Sincerely yours,
Austrian Falun Gong Practitioners
Quelle: http://www.clearharmony.de/articles/200609/33631.html
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